Here it is!! The exciting new children’s book Wee Wobblers: A Jungle Adventure!!
The book is based on one of the real life warm up games we play in the Wee Wobblers classes where we transport the children into the Jungle to meet some animal friends. Just watch out for the hungry tiger!!! For our Wee Wobblers past, present and future, come along and meet the monkeys, flamingos and crocodiles as well as some other familiar characters from our game.
The fantastic Holly Richards has brought the jungle to life in this 36 page, fully coloured, illustrated story book. I hope this is what the children imagine when we play the game in class!! The book is suitable for all ages.
Wee Wobblers is receiving a fee from the sale of each book and I have decided to support a Scottish children’s charity which touches the hearts of many across Scotland. We will be revealing the charity very soon, so stay tuned for this!!
I do not normally ask for our posts to be shared but I would greatly appreciate if you could share this with friends and family on your Facebook pages to raise the profile of the book and hopefully raise as much money for the charity as possible.
SPECIAL OFFER : Now available for pre-order the first 20 orders shall receive a copy of one of the illustrations from the book signed by artist
Holly Richards.
Priced at £8.99 plus postage the scheduled release date is December 7th. To purchase please click on the link below.
